

The first question you’ll probably ask yourself is “Why is there another logger library?”, and it’s a great question to ask! Honesty, this started off as a sided project for me to learn more about Node’s streams and how loggers work, so I could be better informed when it came to using a logger. However, in the process of learning and making something for academic purposes, I ended up creating a logger that had better statistics than Winston or Bunyan, close stats to Pino, and a very simple API.


Installation is pretty simple, choose your favorite package manager and install @ogma/logger. If you’re working with NestJS you can install @ogma/nestjs-module instead and @ogma/logger will be installed for you.

Ogma is the name of the Celtic god of Wisdom and Eloquence. As I think these logs both look pretty and tell good information, I figured I would go with it.


So it was mentioned that Ogma beats out Winston and Bunyan and comes very close to Pino if not beating it in a few catagories. The below are the current benchmarks, but feel free to run them yourself

Benchmarks were made by testing the logging capabilities of several loggers against each other. All loggers are writing to a writeStream of /dev/null. Each logger writes 100000 logs of each log type. Simple is a small string. JSON is a simple json, one key one value. Long is a 2000 random byte string. Deep is a deep JSON, including using the globalThis. All timings were made by using the perf_hooks module.


Benchmarks generated on Linux/linux x64 5.11.0-7620-generic ~Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz (cores/threads): 1