
For all of the @ogma/nestjs-module parts, make sure that the @ogma/nestjs-module package is installed using whatever package manger you are using for your project.

With that out of the way, the package comes with a Dynamic Nest Module ready for use so you can just configure it and go.

Root Configuration

First, we have the root configuration for the package, which should be called once, usually in your AppModule or whatever else you end up calling the RootModule, which will be imported and used with NestFactory.create. Like most Nest packages nowadays, there’s both synchronous and async configurations that can be made use of.

Synchronous Configuration


Asynchronous Configuration

  useClass: OgmaConfigService


  inject: [ConfigService],
  useFactory: (config) => ogmaOptionsFromConfig(config)

forRoot Options

The options that are required for the above methods can be found in the tables below


The options that this module takes are the same as those from the @ogma/logger package plus an optional traceMethod property that tells the @Log() decorator what level to log at.

Feature Configuration

Along with root level configuration, the OgmaModule also allows for feature level configuration for setting up OgmaServices with specified contexts. These contexts will be added to the logs automatically.


You can also use forFeatures to register multiple contexts at once

OgmaModule.forFeatures([FooService, BarService, FooBarService]);

And lastly, if you wish to make the injected services request scoped you can pass on the options for that like so

OgmaModule.forFeature(FooService, { addRequestId: true });

or for multiple registrations

    context: FooService,
    options: { addRequestId: true }