Custom Parsers

To create a custom parser, you can either extend an existing parser and override any of the methods, such as the getCallerIp() if you need to get a value other than req.ip in the @ogma/platform-express parser, or you can create your own class that extends AbstractInterceptorService or implements InterceptorService. All of the methods of these classes and interfaces have appropriate typings and doc strings to help with creating your own parser if you want to work with a system that is not directly yet supported.

As of @ogma/nestjs-module@5.0.0 you also need to add the @Parser() decorator to your custom parser. This decorator can replace the @Injectable() or they can both be present, Nest will handle them the same. The @Parser() decorator takes in a string that should match the ExecutionContext#getType() methodโ€™s return. e.g. for express or fastify, this would be http. This allows for developers of other application types that integrate with Nest to provider their own parsers and not have the interceptor throw errors about unknown context types. If a request type comes in the the interceptor does not know how to deal with, the request will simply continue

interface InterceptorService {
    data: number,
    context: ExecutionContext,
    startTime: number,
    options: OgmaInterceptorServiceOptions
  ): LogObject;

    error: Error | HttpException,
    context: ExecutionContext,
    startTime: number,
    options: OgmaInterceptorServiceOptions
  ): LogObject;
abstract class AbstractInterceptorService
  implements InterceptorService
  constructor(protected readonly reflector: Reflector) {}

   * A method to transform the incoming execution context into metadata that the OgmaInterceptor will then log.
   * This method handles the success cases
   * @param dataLength the buffer length of the data
   * @param context the execution context from Nest
   * @param startTime when the request started
   * @param options the options passed to the interceptor
   * @returns an object that represents what should be logged
    dataLength: number,
    context: ExecutionContext,
    startTime: number,
    options: OgmaInterceptorServiceOptions
  ): LogObject {
    return {
      callerAddress: this.getCallerIp(context),
      method: this.getMethod(context),
      callPoint: this.getCallPoint(context),
      responseTime: this.getResponseTime(startTime),
      contentLength: dataLength,
      protocol: this.getProtocol(context),
      status: this.getStatus(context, options.color && !options.json)

   * A method to transform the incoming execution context into metadata that the OgmaInterceptor will then log.
   * This method handles the error cases
   * @param error the error that happened
   * @param context the execution context from Nest
   * @param startTime when the request started
   * @param options the options passed to the interceptor
   * @returns an object that represents what should be logged
    error: Error | HttpException,
    context: ExecutionContext,
    startTime: number,
    options: OgmaInterceptorServiceOptions
  ): LogObject {
    return {
      callerAddress: this.getCallerIp(context),
      method: this.getMethod(context),
      callPoint: this.getCallPoint(context),
      status: this.getStatus(
        options.color && !options.json,
      responseTime: this.getResponseTime(startTime),
      contentLength: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(error.message))
      protocol: this.getProtocol(context)

   * A helper method to get the status based on if the request was an error or success
   * @param context the execution context
   * @param inColor if the status should be in color
   * @param error if it was an error
   * @returns a string representing the status
    _context: ExecutionContext,
    inColor: boolean,
    error?: HttpException | Error
  ): string {
    const status = error ? 500 : 200;
    return inColor ? this.wrapInColor(status) : status.toString();

   * A helper method to allow devs the ability to pass in extra metadata when it comes to the interceptor
   * @param context The ExecutionContext
   * @returns whatever metadata you want to add in on a second log line. This can be a string, an object, anything
  getMeta(_context: ExecutionContext): unknown {

   * A helper method to get the Ip of the calling client
   * @param context the execution context
  abstract getCallerIp(context: ExecutionContext): string[] | string;

   * A helper method to get the method type of the request
   * REST: an HTTP Verb (GET, POST, PATCH, etc)
   * GraphQL: Query, Mutation, or Subscription
   * Microservice: Request or Reply
   * Websockets: unknown at momentHTTP: HTTP Verb
   * @param context the execution context
  abstract getMethod(context: ExecutionContext): string;

  private getResponseTime(startTime: number): number {
    return - startTime;

   * A helper method to get the protocol of the request
   * @param context execution context from Nest
  abstract getProtocol(context: ExecutionContext): string;

   * A helper method to get what was called
   * REST: endpoint
   * GraphQL: Query or Mutation name
   * Microservice: Message Topic
   * WebSockets: Subscription Event name
   * @param context execution context from Nest
  abstract getCallPoint(context: ExecutionContext): string;

   * A helper method for setting the correlationId to later be retrieved when logging
   * @param context the execution context
   * @param requestId the correlationId to set
  abstract setRequestId(
    context: ExecutionContext,
    requestId: string
  ): void;

  protected wrapInColor(status: number): string {
    let statusString: string;
    if (this.isBetween(status, 100, 300)) {
      statusString =;
    } else if (this.isBetween(status, 300, 400)) {
      statusString = style.cyan.apply(status);
    } else if (this.isBetween(status, 400, 500)) {
      statusString = style.yellow.apply(status);
    } else if (this.isBetween(status, 500, 600)) {
      statusString =;
    } else {
      statusString = style.white.apply(status);
    return statusString;

  protected isBetween(
    comparator: number,
    bottom: number,
    top: number
  ): boolean {
    return comparator >= bottom && comparator < top;

Logging Additional Data

If you would like to log extra data, such as the request body, you can extend any of the existing parsers, or create your own, and add the logic to the getMeta method. This extra metadata will be logged out on a second line with the same ClassName#handlerMethod context and the same correlationId for easy tracking.

This is only available in @ogma/nestjs-module@3.1.0 and higher

An example could look something like this:

export class ExpressWithBodyParser extends ExpressParser {
  getMeta(context: ExecutionContext, data: unknown) {
    const key = data instanceof Error ? 'error' : 'res';
    if (key === 'res') {
      data ??= '';
    const { body } = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    return {
      req: body,
      [key]: data

Other Abstract Classes

There are also abstract classes already created for each transport type, HTTP, GQL, WS, and RPC. Each of which can be used instead of extending from the base AbstractInterceptorService class if you so choose. This helps with needing to implement the minimum amount of logic for the parser.